
1. 朝の時間
- 起床時: “Time to wake up, sleepyhead!”
- 服を着る時: “Let’s put on your shirt and pants.”
- 朝食: “What would you like for breakfast? Cereal or eggs?”
2. 食事の時間
- 食べる前の挨拶: “It’s time to eat! Please sit at the table.”
- 食事中の会話: “Do you like the soup? It’s very tasty.”
- 食後のお礼: “Thank you for the meal. It was delicious!”
3. 歯磨きの時間
- 歯磨きを始める時: “Let’s brush your teeth to keep them clean and strong.”
- 歯磨き中の励まし: “Great job! You’re brushing so well.”
4. 外出前
- 家を出る前: “Do you have your backpack and lunch?”
- 靴を履く時: “Let’s put on your shoes. Right foot first!”
5. 就寝前
- パジャマに着替え: “It’s time to change into your pajamas.”
- おやすみの挨拶: “Good night, I hope you have sweet dreams.”